Old News, April 2021
Yesterday's news, tomorrow. This month we’ve got racism in archaeology, other racism in archaeology, connecting with others across time and space, people enjoying the little things hundreds of thousands of years ago, a heads up that aliens aren’t responsible for ruins found in China, and a study with recommendations for doing something about all that racism in archaeology.
Stories discussed in this ep:
An archaeology society hosted a talk against returning Indigenous remains. Some want a new society (Science)
Remains of children killed in MOVE bombing sat in a box at Penn Museum for decades (Billy Penn)
The day Philadelphia bombed its own people (Vox)
Somebody in the Kalahari Had a Crystal Collection 105,000 Years Ago (Ha’aretz)
Stone Age house painstakingly recreated by archaeologists using bone tools and ancient materials (Telegraph)
'Completely unfounded': Chinese archaeologists refute 'alien theory' about Sanxingdui Ruins (Global Times)
Stunning discoveries at China's Sanxingdui Ruins (Global Times)
Archaeologists say removing statues will not “erase history” (Open Access Government)
Iron Age warriors BENT the swords of their defeated enemies, ancient hoard discovered in Germany reveals (The Daily Mail)
The Limes Arabicus – The Desert Frontier of the Roman Empire (Heritage Daily)